Saturday, January 1, 2011


The clock struck 12 and 2010 became a memory. I love the magic of that moment. The minute your slate gets wiped clean. It amazes me how flipping a calendar page can fill people with hope.

Truly nothing is different in my life today than it was yesterday, the same bills wait to be paid, the vacuum still needs to be run. A personal chef did not arrive with the twelfth bell, I'm still going to have to cook dinner tonight. So why the excitement? Possibility. January 1st is zero day. A fresh starting point on which to measure the success of a year. The failures of the previous year are forgotten instantly with the prospect of another chance to do things right. I've tried to set our family up for success. Last night I ate what remained of the chocolate in our house and polished off the cheesies. 

We started our Grateful Rule project in 2010 and through the year identified a lot to be grateful for. I wanted to commit to the gratitude concept and keep a journal of the 'good' the rule was doing for our family; blogging has been a great tool for that, even in the short time since creating The Space Between Raindrops. Past entries help navigate those difficult days. Perhaps the greatest testament to the success of the Gratitude project itself is that in one year no one is protesting the rule. It may be the only rule in our home that doesn't get protested in fact. no one ever says "I don't want to do this anymore" I think they get the value of gratitude.

I'm not a fan of resolutions but I like what the Gratitude Rule is bringing to our lives and I like the outlet that The Space Between Raindrops is providing. There are many things I'm going to leave in 2010 but this I think I will bring with me into 2011. With a plan to nurture it and see where it evolves.

A very warm wish for peace, love and happiness to everyone in 2011 and a challenge to take on the Gratitude Rule. Try it for one week. See where you are in a month. If you do, be sure to e-mail me the story of your experience. I have an exciting project planned but I'll need your help and your stories!